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Get Cub's preferred study Bible, the KJV Keyword Bible, through this affiliate link to support the channel. This Bible reveals key Greek and Hebrew words, unlocking the deeper esoteric message of Scripture.

Hire Jacob Kuker (Cub) for faith-driven branding, content marketing, and consulting. With an audience of 1M+, he’s helped impact the masses and can help grow your ministry or mission with a proven framework.

MySupernatural.Faith empowers seekers, leaders, entrepreneurs, and chosen ones—like-minded, one love, one in spirit, and of one mind in Christ Jesus. Philippians 2:2
Founder; Jacob Kuker (Cub)
MySupernatural.Faith is a branded service offering under JTK Creative Ventures, LLC and operates as a ministry business, not a registered nonprofit. Donations are considered tips and are not tax-deductible. This content is for entertainment and informational purposes only and should not be taken as medical, financial, or legal advice. The views expressed are those of the presenter(s) alone. We are not responsible for your decisions or outcomes. Always do your own research and consult qualified professionals before making important decisions. Some links may be affiliate links, meaning we earn a commission if you make a purchase. Cited works are used under fair use laws. We welcome all races, religions, orientations, identities, and cultures, while honoring our own convictions and God-directed path. For full legal details, visit https://www.MySupernatural.Faith/legal.